The GBV Charter Pilot Webinar
We held our GBV Charter Pilot Webinar for Higher Education Professionals on the 22nd of June 2023 to officially launch the EmilyTest GBV Charter in England and Wales.
The session primarily outlined the tragic reason of why a Charter setting out Minimum Standards in GBV prevention, intervention and support is urgently required through Emily’s Story before Poppy Gerard-Abbott explained the in-depth research underpinning its’ creation.
Ava-Lynn Mayer illustrated the framework of the EmilyTest GBV Charter and how EmilyTest work collaboratively with institutions to achieve Charter Status while Nick Edwards (Deputy Director of People, University of Aberdeen) provided ‘on-the-ground’ reflection of his personal and institutional experience of implementing the Charter at the University of Aberdeen. Professor Graham Towl (Durham University) shared insight into how the Charter provides a critical framework to help Universities meet the upcoming OfS regulations on harassment and sexual misconduct in Higher Education.